A poem and some boring statistics:
I've read 12 books in January, 5,764 pages in total.
6 of them in English, 6 in German.
5 Fantasy
2 Modern Literature,
1 Classic
1 Murder Mystery
1 Non-Fiction
1 Fiction
1 Essays
I've heard 2 audiobooks. This count extra because I only count first hearings.
I read 2 books for the A-Z Reading Challenge
and 1 book for the Wimpy Challenge
9 books were from my 2014 reading list.
For comparison: In January 2013 I read 19 books, with 5,665 pages in total
All off the reviews I wrote were from books I read in December: this is some part I want to improve in February.
I got 6 new books in January.
Stack of Unread Books: 788