Gecko's Advent Calendar: Charity vs Amazon, Day 16

Kleines Schweinchen - großer König / Hallo Schiff Pyjamahose - Janosch Bärengeschichten. Das große Buch von Rasputin dem Vaterbär - Janosch Light Shining in the Forest - Paul Torday

December 16,

Got some new books today, so my little calendar can move on, and all Christmas fatigue is forgotten as long as I can walk into bookstores and sort through bookshelves full of little wonders in print, with hard and soft covers, some ugly, some beautiful... It's time to get the new generation of readers hooked!


So the books for today:


Janosch - "Kleines Schweinchen - großer König / Hallo Schiff Pyjamahose" & "Bärengeschichten": This are for my niece, the the 2 1/2 year old bundle of joy, that my sister gave to our family. She loves animals, bears and tigers especially. They all make 'roar' sound and are as fierce as she is. She gets two, because it's never to early to have a TBR shelf.


Paul Torday - "Light Shining in the Forest": Found this at Oxfam today, new and clearly unread. Had to have it. Just because of the nice cover... another new to me author, even if I heard about "Salmon Fishing in Yemen"


This results in 66 books from Charity against 95 Books from Amazon.